
Friday, May 1, 2015

In Wars, as in Nature, coalitions of the last DO defeat the first

In 1939, single solitary tiny little Belgium could never hope to defeat Germany or Russia all on its own, no more than a single solitary tiny strep bacteria could lay a big human being in their grave all by itself.

But the tiny strep live in big colonies and these 'coalitions of the bacterial willing' can have deadly consequences for even the largest and strongest of their opponents.

In 1939, it simply wasn't anything more than eyewash to flatly state (and stupidly, blindly, believe) that the Laws of Nature ordains that the First and the big always best the last and the small -  for in the real world, it all depends.

A resolutely united coalition of smaller European nations ( think of NATO today) could make even the largest aggressor think twice before invading one of its smaller members.

There was no such coalition in 1939 - most people thought Modernity's science proved the collective Last could never beat the biggest First.

By 1949, most people felt much differently.

That was because the course of the war had clearly indicated that "The Grand Coalition" (the English, white Americans, White Russians) had in fact badly needed the support of over a hundred smaller nations, ethnicities and colonies to belatedly win the war.

The Allied coalition had held together because while within it the big still pushed the small around, the big gradually became acutely aware that they needed the support of all the small to survive and then win --- and this restrained their behavior.

By contrast, the Germans ended their war using badly needed troops and material to fight their ex-allies rather than fighting off their original foes.

They fought desperately hard too : trying to re-install a new pro-German government in each of these wandering former allies, because without the land barrier and raw resources of these small allies, Greater Germany itself was quickly doomed.

Whether or not all politics is just applied biology, it helps to survey all of biology and not just the bits that suits your intellectual dogma.

Because Modernity's public science was really less science as we understand it today and more a particularly poetic branch of Rhetoric...

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